CheckOut Manager Pro 1.10
CheckOut Manager Pro is an application of management of shops andcheckout.
Cash Register Stat 1.9
CashRegister is a simple and easy application that will allow youto track your pay or your monthly or annual operations by givingyou the ability to add, modify or delete input or outputtransactions. With this application you can easily manage youraccount, your expenses, your sales, your recipe, your income, yourpurchases and sales. CashRegister allows you to calculate netamounts by setting the name and value of the tax applied. Thisapplication was designed generically to be used in almost allfields such as catering, trade, finance, accounting, ... With thefeature of statistics you can easily track your operations andtransactions per month or per year. To have more features consultmy list of applications.
Management invoices and quotes 1.2
The application MesFactures is a simple and effective way to easilymanage your quotes and invoices. MesFactures can record all yourquotes, all your bills and your customers. This version providesthe core functionality for an artisan, an independent, selfentrepreneur, a micro enterprise, ... features: - CustomerManagement - Quote Management - Invoice Management - Transformationof a quotation in an invoice - Management details for quotes andinvoices ... Keywords: invoice, quote,estimate, customer,management, ... Languages: - French - English
Prospects Manager 2.6
ProspectProManager is the most complete and most intuitivemanagement of prospects, customers, suppliers and events. Thisapplication is going to make your life easier by offering you avariety of management features like event planning, monitoringprospects, management reporting and statistics. You are asalesperson, a delegate, a representative brand, ProspectProManagerwas conceived for you in a customizable way to give you the abilityto easily manage your prospects and partners. You can easily planyour appointments and visits and tape your reports and send them byemail to your manager. To save time, ProspectProManager allows youto export and import easily your prospects, customers and suppliersto or from an Excel file. You want to export your events? WithProspectProManager you can filter events and export to an EXCELfile in order to integrate them into another external tool. Withthe statistics functionality, you can follow the daily variation,monthly or yearly for your events and compare it with previousyears. Functions: - Prospects Management - Customers Management -Suppliers Management - Events Management - Management Event Alert -Sending reports and events by email - Management of events exports- Import / Export prospects - Import / Export customers( - Import / Exportsuppliers - Sending of exports by email - Management Setup: logo,company stamp, Tax ... - Statistics of events by day, month, yearand/or prospect/customer/supplier - Ability to add a prospect,customer or supplier from a contact. - Backup and restore thedatabase To improve this application, do not hesitate to send meyour requests to add features, feedback, comments or bugs /problems (
KaryaXpress: location véhicule 1.12.1
Cheap car rental in Tunisia near you
Enterprise Pro Manager 2.22
EnterpriseProManager is the most complete and the mostintuitivesolution to manage your company. It offers you a simplemanagementof the customers, the suppliers, the quotes, theinvoices, theorders, the stock and the products/articles. Thisapplication isgoing to facilitate your life by offering you diversefeatures ofmanagement, generation PDF, monitoring, export andstatistics ofyour quotes, invoices and order. You are anentrepreneur, anindependent, small or medium-sized company, liberalprofession...EnterpriseProManager was designed for you in acustomizable way togive yourselves the possibility of managingeasily your productsand of adding in your invoices, quotes andorders, the usefulinformation of your company which change acountry in an other one,such as: N VAT, TAX, VAT, Code APE, SIRET,… To save time,EnterpriseProManager allows you to export and toimport easily yourproducts and customers/suppliers from an Excelfile by basing on amodel file. Besides the basic features,EnterpriseProManager allowsto generate easily your invoice, quoteand order in a PDF file andto send it by email to your customer orsupplier with a simpleclick. You want to export your invoices,quotes or orders validatedor not? With EnterpriseProManager you canfilter yourquotes/invoices/orders and export them towards an Excelfile or CSVto integrate them into another external tool. With thefeature ofstatistics, you can track your sales dayly, monthly oryearly andcompare it with previous years. EnterpriseProManager is acompletetool that will simplify your financial management andaccounting ofyour business. Features: - Customer management -Suppliersmanagement - Quote management - Invoice management -Stockmanagement - Movements management (inputs/outputs) - Alerts oroverof stock management - Orders suppliers (purchase orders)management- Orders customers (sale orders) management - Managementof payingbills/invoices - Transform quote to invoice - Transformorder toinvoice - Generation of invoice, quote or orders to PDF -Sendingof quotes, invoices and orders by email - Export details ofquotes,invoices and orders to an Excel or CSV file - Sending ofexports byemail - Management Setup: logo, company stamp, currency,tax, dateformat... - Statistics of sales per day, month, year andcustomer -Ability to add a customer/Supplier from a contact.-Product/articles Management - Management category of products-Import/Export products - Export of movements - Ability toaddinvoice/quote/order lines from the products - Ability to changethenumber of the invoice/quote/order - Import/Export customersorsuppliers - Ability to add discount by invoice and by details-Generation catalogs of product in PDF - Generation inventoryofproduct in PDF - Attaching a document PDF (data sheet) withtheproduct - Scan bar code of products - Save and restore Database-Possibility of signing a quote or order - Accounting: thefeatureis paying (in-app). - Accounts management - Transactionsmanagement To improvethisapplication, please send me your requests to addfeatures,feedback, comments or bugs/problems (
Stock and Orders Manager 2.8
StockProManager is the most complete and the most intuitivesolutionof management of stock, orders, customers, suppliersandproducts/articles. This application is going to make yourlifeeasier by offering you a variety of management featureslikegeneration, monitoring, export and statistics of your orders.Youare customer or supplier or both at the same time,StockProManagerwas conceived for you in a customizable way to giveyou the abilityto easily manage your stock of products by addingmovements in theform of inputs/outputs. You can take easily ordersof your customer(customer order) and/or add an order to be sent, byemail, to yoursupplier (supplier orders). To save time,StockProManager allowsyou to export and import easily yourproducts/articles as well asyour customers and suppliers to or froman Excel file.StockProManager also allows to export the movementsand the stateof your stock to an Excel file, to update thestock/inventory andimport it into the application with a fewclicks. In addition tothe basic features, StockProManager gives youthe possibility ofsigning manually and to generate easily yourcustomer order (salesorder) or suppliers orders (purchases order)in a PDF file and tosend it by email to your customer/supplier witha simple click. Youwant to export your customer orders or suppliersorder? WithStockProManager you can filter your orders and exportthem to anExcel or CSV file to integrate them into another externaltool.With the feature of statistics, you can follow the monthlyorannual variation of your orders and compare it with that oftheprevious years. StockProManager is a complete tool which isgoingto simplify your inventory management of your business.Features: -Customers management - Suppliers management -Products/articlesmanagement - Management category of products -Stock management -Movements management (inputs/outputs) - Alerts orover of stockmanagement - Orders suppliers (purchase orders)management - Orderscustomers (sale orders) management - Generationof orders to PDF -Sending orders by email - Exports orders to anExcel/CSV file -Export of movements - Import/export products -Import/exportcustomers ( suppliers - Sending exports by email -ManagementSetup: logo, company stamp, currency, tax, ... -Statistics oforders by day, month, year, customer or supplier -Ability to add aclient from an android contact. - Generationcatalogs produced inPDF - Attaching a PDF document (data sheet) atthe product - Scanthe barcode of a product - Search product bybarcode - Save andrestore database - Possibility of signing anorder - Add a filtersearch product in the list of details in anorder this application, please send me your requests toaddfeatures, feedback, comments orbugs/problems(
StockProManager Trial 3.2
StockProManager is an application of management of stock and theorders.
Quotes & Invoices ManagerTrial 3.5
InvoiceProManager is the solution to manage estimate and invoices.
Enterprise Pro Manager Trial 3.6
EnterpriseProManager is the most complete solution to manage yourcompany.
Quotes and Invoices Manager 2.10
InvoiceProManager is the most complete and easiestcustomers,quotes, invoices and products/articles management. Thisapplicationis going to make your life easier by offering a varietyofmanagement features like generation, monitoring, andstatisticalexport of your estimates and invoices. You areartisan,independent, micro, small or medium business, autoentrepreneur,professional, InvoiceProManager was designed for youin a wayadjustable to give you the ability to easily manage yourproductsand to add in your invoices and estimates that theusefulinformation such as: TVA, TAX, VAT, SIRET, ... To savetime,InvoiceProManager allows you to easily export and importyourproducts/articles from an Excel file based on a template file.Inaddition to basic functions, InvoiceProManager can easilygenerateyour invoice and your quotes in a PDF file and send it toyourcustomer with a single click. You want to export yourinvoicesand/or quotes paid or not? With InvoiceProManager you canfilteryour quotes/invoices and export them to Excel or CSV fileforincorporation into another external tool. With the featureofstatistics, you can track your sales monthly or yearly andcompareit with previous years. InvoiceProManager is a comprehensivetoolthat will simplify your financial management and accounting ofyourbusiness. Features: - Customer Management - Quote Management-Invoice Management - Management of paying bills/invoices-Transform quote to invoice - Generation of invoice or quote toPDF- Sending of quotes and invoices by email - Export quotesandinvoices to an Excel or CSV file - Sending of exports by email-Management Setup: logo, company stamp, currency, tax, ...-Statistics of sales per day, month, year and customer - Abilitytoadd a customer from a contact. - Product/articles Management-Management category of products - Import/Export products -Abilityto add invoice/quote lines from the products - Ability tochangethe number of the invoice/quote - Import/Export customers(For moreinformation, look at this video of the applicationStockPromanager: -Ability to adddiscount by invoice and by details - Generationcatalogs producedin PDF - Attaching a document PDF (data sheet)with the product -Scan bar code of products - Save and restoreDatabase - Possibilityof signing aquote this application, please send me your requests toaddfeatures, feedback, comments orbugs/problems(
Beauté & bien-être en Tunisie 1.8
Application to find addresses for beauty treatments near you